We are inviting you to take PRIDE in YOUR community and help us remove trash and litter from our Greenwood streets.
When? Anytime from October 12 through November 23. You pick the date and time convenient to your group and identify the road(s) that you wish to clean.
Who? You! We are seeking employer groups, volunteer groups, churches, student organizations, neighborhood associations, etc., to help clean up our roads!
How? Identify a team leader and click the link below to complete the online registration form. Our Team Up to Clean Up coordinator, Diane Sponenberg, will correspond with you after your form is completed to confirm your location, date, and time as well as notify you when supplies will be ready to be picked up.
What’s the next step? KGCB will provide you with all your clean up supplies – vests, trash bags, pick-up sticks, gloves, etc. Supplies can be picked up at the office of the Greenwood SC Chamber, 110 Phoenix Street.
How will we know the impact we made? Each Team Leader will be asked to complete a short, follow-up report regarding the number of trash bags collected, etc. and the roads that were cleaned. We’ll tabulate the results and share with the community.
Become a Sponsor!
To request more information about how you can support our mission, click here and a board representative will contact you